Welcome to the Trimmers Solar Farm website.
Trimmers Solar Farm will power 7,200 homes with clean energy for 25 years.
Our target is to contribute to the control of global warming by reducing fossil fuel consumption.
Trimmers Solar Farm will save 10,300 tonnes of carbon a year - over 258,000 tonnes over 25 years.
Trimmers Solar Farm is to be developed on low grade agricutural land and landfill to the west of Winchfield. Please use the links below to find out more about this important development. If you would like to join our ecology conservation volunteers please get in touch.
We owe everything to starlight.
The light we receive from our sun is the key to our survival.
Our existence has always depended on our ability to harness the power of our local star.
The source of all life on Earth arrives after a journey of 8 minutes 19 seconds from an insignificant star in an insignificant corner of a minor galaxy on the outer edge of a constantly expanding universe of mind boggling proportions whose physical laws we have hardly even begun to understand. Earth is located in an orbit uniquely placed to sustain carbon based life in, on the grand scale of things, a tiny solar system. By rights we probably shouldn't exist but by either a grand plan or a bizarre miracle here we are complete with a significantly damaged atmosphere less that 60 miles thick and a planetary eco system that we have managed to push to the edge of destruction in less than 300 years of industrial development.
We assume that being the dominant species we will survive forever conveniently forgetting that homo sapiens has existed for only 200,000 years and that two completely separate generations of dinsosaurs each dominated our planet for several million years, both of those generations separated by several other million years. We can't maintain that assumption. If we continue to destroy our atmosphere, our eco system and our food chains we could be all but extinct within 500 years.
To quote Ban Ki-Moon: "There is no Plan B" because we do not have a Planet B. We have to work and galvanize our action. Thank you for your action and your power to change."
So this is it. This is what we are going to do: